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1.單核及多核有機金屬簇錯合物的合成、結構、及反應性。包括小分子有機物的金屬活化反應、同核及異核金屬簇錯合物的 碳-氫鍵及碳-碳鍵活化反應、以及分子的寡合反應。我們已發現一些未被觀察過的新化學反應,及得到一些具有應用價值的有機金屬化合物。

2.合成具有多重官能基的有機配位子、並利用其與金屬離子或有機金屬化合物反應,組裝成奈米尺寸之超分子鏈狀、環狀、竉狀、或聚合之 超分子化合物。這類化合物具有發展成為無機材料之潛力,我們將探討其結構、電子及光化學行為。

3.利用石墨弧光進行碳-六十有機金屬化合物及內含金屬碳-六十化合物的合成。此外也運用電子槍汽化金屬方法合成金屬薄膜、 以溶合金屬的技術合成金屬奈米粒子及有機金屬超分子化合物。


  1. Yeh, W.-Y.; Liu, L.-K. "Alkyne-Alkyne Coupling with W(C2Ph2)3(CO). Crystal Structure of W(C2Ph2)2(C4Ph4)(CO). " J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1992, 114, 2267.

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  3. Yeh, W.-Y.; Ting, C.-S.; Peng,S.-M.; Lee,G.-H. "Reduction fo Acetonitrile Ligand on W(C2Ph2)3(NCMe) and W(C2Ph2)2(C4Ph3)(NCMe). Crystal Structure of W(C2Ph2)3(NH=CMe2)" Organometallics 1995,14,1417.

  4. Yeh, W.-Y.; Stern, S. L.; Shriver, D. F. "Syntheses, Characterization, and Structures of Tri- and Tetraruthenium Clusters Containing Sulfido, Phenylimido, and Thioaniline Ligands" Inorg. Chem. 1996,35,7857.

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  6. W.-Y. Yeh, C.-L. Ho, M. Y. Chiang, I-T. Chen, Alkyne-Alkyne Coupling Reactions with W(PhCº CPh)3(CO) and W(PhCº CPh)3(NCMe), Organometallics 16, 2698 (1997).

  7. S. C. N. Hsu, W.-Y. Yeh, Syntheses, Characterization and Facial-Meridional Isomerism of Tungsten Tricarbonyl Diphosphine Complexes, J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans. 125 (1998).

  8. S. C. N. Hsu, W.-Y. Yeh, G.-H. Lee, S.-M. Peng, Reductive Dimerization and Thermal Rearrangement of Biphenylene Coordinated to Tricarbonylmanganese, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 120, 13250 (1998).

  9. W.-Y. Yeh, S. C. N. Hsu, S.-M. Peng, G.-H. Lee, C-H versus C-C Activation of Biphenylene in its Reactions with Iron Group Carbonyl Clusters, Organometallics 17, 2477 (1998).

  10. W.-Y. Yeh, M.-A. Hsu, S.-M. Peng, G.-H. Lee, Reactions of Cyclotetradeca-1,8-diyne with Triosmium Carbonyl Clusters, Organometallics 18, 8800 (1999).

  11. W.-Y. Yeh, C.-Y. Wu, L.-W. Chiou, Functionalization of Cp4Fe4(CO)4 with Alkyl, Aryl, and Ferrocenyl Groups and the Preparation of Double Clusters [Cp3Fe4(CO)4(C5H4)]2 and [Cp3Fe4(CO)4(C5H4)]2[(C5H4)2Fe], Organometallics 18, 3547 (1999).

  12. W.-Y. Yeh, G. H. Lee, S.-M. Peng, WCl(h2-C2Ph2)(h6-C6Ph6H): A Compound Containing Metallacycloheptatriene Unit from Cyclotrimerization of Diphenylacetylene with W(NMe3)(h2-C2Ph2)3, Organometallics 21, 3058 (2002).

  13. W.-Y. Yeh, G. H. Lee, S.-M. Peng, WCl(h2-C2Ph2)(h6-C6Ph6H): A Compound Containing Metallacycloheptatriene Unit from Cyclotrimerization of Diphenylacetylene with W(NMe3)(h2-C2Ph2)3, Organometallics 21, 3058 (2002).

  14. Y.-C. Liu, W.-Y. Yeh, Solvated Metal Atoms in Coordination Compounds Syntheses and Applications, Chemistry (the Chinese Chem. Soc., Taipei), 61, 87 (2003).

  15. W.-Y. Yeh, T.-W. Shiue, S.-M. Peng, G.-H. Lee, Syntheses of Beltlike Polycyclodiynes Intercalated with Triosmium Carbonyl Clusters, Organometallics, 22, 2990 (2003).

  16. Y.-C. Liu, W.-Y. Yeh, S.-M. Peng, G.-H. Lee, One-step Synthesis of [HM3(CO)11]– from M3(CO)12 (M= Fe, Ru, Os) via Unusual Hydride Transfer from 1,3,5-Trimethyl-1,3,5-triazacyclohexane, Organometallics, 22, 4163 (2003).

  17. W.-Y. Yeh, C.-S. Lin, S.-M. Peng, G.-H. Lee, Syntheses and Structures of Tungsten ortho-(Diphenylphosphino)benzaldehyde Complexes Bearing p-Bonded Aldehyde Groups, Organometallics, 23, 917 (2004).

  18. W.-Y. Yeh, Y,-C. Liu, S.-M. G.-H. Peng, Lee, Synthesis, Characterization and Crystal Structures of Copper (I) o-(Diphenyl)benzaldehyde Complexes, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 358, 1987 (2005).

  19. W.-Y. Yeh, S.-C. Hsiao, G.-H. Lee, S.-M. Peng, Synthesis of N(CH2CH2N=CH(o-C6H4)PPh2)3 Ligand and Its Complexation with Tungsten Carbonyls To Form a 46-Membered Cryptand-Like Metallatricycle, Organometallics, 24, 3365 (2005).