- 國立中興大學化學學士
- 美國蒙大拿州州立大學化學碩士
(有機地球化學) (1985-1988)
- 美國蒙大拿州州立大學化學博士 (分析化學)
- 美國賓州州立大學材料科學系博士後研究
- 美國蒙大拿州州立大學化學及生化學系訪問副教授
- 美國加州大學洛杉磯分校化學及生化學系訪問教授
- 國立中山大學化學系教授
- 國科會自然處審議委員
- 國科會自然處諮議委員
- 國科會自然處諮議委員
- 台灣質譜學會理事長
- 行政院公共工程委員
- 世界質譜基金會執行理事兼亞太區代表
- 世界質譜基金會
Thomson Medal Award
Committee 主席
- 世界質譜基金會
Curt Brunnée Award
- 世界質譜基金會執行理事兼執行祕書
- 國立中山大學理學院副院長
- 國立中山大學跨領域科學研究中心主任
- 國立中山大學科技醫學研究中心主任
- 國立中山大學毒藥物暨生醫快篩科技研究中心主任 (2018-迄今)
- Anal. Methods (RSC),副主編
- Anal. Methods (RSC),編輯委員
- Mass Spectrom. Let.
- Int.
J. Mass spectrom. (Elsevier),諮詢委員會成員
- Current Chromatogr. (Bentham
- Mass Spectrom. (Wiley),編輯委員
- Technology (World Scientific
Publishing Company),編輯委員
- Clin. Mass Spectrom.
(Elsevier),諮詢委員會成員 (2016-迄今)
- J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom.
- Clin. Chim. Acta.
- Mass Spectrom.
(2013-2014 & 2016-2017)
- J. Food Drug Anal.
- Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom.
- 最佳碩士論文獎,美國蒙大拿州州立大學 (1988)
- 會議壁報論文首獎,世界人類蛋白質體會議 (HUPO)
- 傑出研究獎,行政院國家科學委員會 (2009)
- 英國皇家化學會會士 (FRSC),英國化學會
- 國家創作發明獎,行政院經濟部 (2010)
- 化學技術獎章,中國化學年會 (2011)
- 有庠科技發明獎,遠東財團法人徐有庠先生紀念基金會
- 優秀質譜研究學者獎,台灣質譜學會 (TSMS)
- 傑出論文審查人獎,美國質譜學會 (ASMS)
- 儀器精品獎,第八屆高雄國際儀器展 (2015)
- 傑出技術移轉貢獻獎,行政院科技部 (2016)
- 未來科技突破獎,行政院科技部 (2017)
- 化學最佳論文獎,中國化學會 (2018)
- 台灣質譜學會獎章,台灣質譜學會
- 未來科技突破獎,行政院科技部
- 傑出研究獎,行政院科技部 (2020)
- 理學院傑出教學獎,國立中山大學 (2001)
- 研究傑出獎,國立中山大學 (2002)
- 研究傑出獎,國立中山大學 (2006)
- 中山發明獎,國立中山大學 (2007)
- 研究傑出獎,國立中山大學 (2009)
- 產學傑出獎,國立中山大學 (2011)
- 特聘教授 (產學類),國立中山大學 (2011)
- 特聘教授 (學術研究類),國立中山大學
- 特聘教授 (產學類),國立中山大學 (2014)
- 特聘教授 (學術研究類),國立中山大學 (2014-2017)
- 產學傑出獎,國立中山大學 (2017)
- 特聘教授 (產學類),國立中山大學 (2017)
- 產學研究績優教師獎,國立中山大學 (2018)
- 學術研究績優教師獎,國立中山大學 (2018)
- 產學研究績優教師獎,國立中山大學 (2019)
- 西灣講座,國立中山大學
- 2013.11.01~11.02
質譜分析技術在臨床醫學檢驗研討會 (2013 Mass
Spectrometry for Clinical
- 2014.11.07~11.08
質譜分析技術在臨床醫學檢驗研討會 (2014 Mass
Spectrometry for Clinical
- 2015.11.05~11.07
質譜分析技術在臨床醫學檢驗研討會 (2015 Mass
Spectrometry for Clinical
- 2016.06.27~06.29
第十三屆台灣質譜學會年會暨學術研討會 (The 13th
Taiwan Society for Mass
Spectrometry Annual Conference)
- 2017.03.27
(The 1st Conference on Rapid
Screening Technologies and
- 2017.06.12~06.13
- 2017.10.12~10.14
質譜分析技術在臨床醫學檢驗研討會 (2017 Mass
Spectrometry for Clinical
- 2018.10.25~10.27
(2018 Mass
Spectrometry for Clinical
(2019 Symposium for Food Safety
Education/Symposium for New Mass
Spectrometric Technologies and
Strategies for Food Safety and
Drug Analysis)
Invited Speaker, 8th
International Singapore
Lipid Symposium Online, Mar.
2020, Signgapore
- Chair and Invited
Speaker, 2020
Asia-Oceania Mass Spectrometry Conference,
2020, Macau, China
- Plenary Speaker, 2019
Mass Spectrometry for Clinical Diagnosis, Sep. 2019,
Ningbo, China
- Invited Speaker, 2019
The Japan Society of Analytical
Chemistry, Sep. 2019, Chiba Ken, Japan
- Plenary Speaker, 2018 Asia HPTLC, Nov. 2018, Bangkok, Thailand
- Invited Speaker, 2018 China Mass
Spectrometry Conference, Nov. 2018,
Guangzhou, China
- Keynote Speaker, National Conference on
Organic Mass Spectrometry, Sep. 2018,
Kaifeng, China
- Session Chair, The 22nd International
Mass Spectrometry Conference, Aug. 2018,
Florence, Italy
- Plenary Speaker, The
5th Ambient Ionization Mass Spectrometry,
Apr. 2018, Xian, China
- Invited Speaker, 14th Asian Conference
on Analytical Sciences, Apr. 2018, Jakarta,
- Invited Speaker, 2018 Mass Spectrometry:
Application for Clinical Laboratory, Jan.
2018, Palm Spring, USA
- Keynote Speaker, 2017 AOMSC, Dec. 2017,
- Invited Speaker, 3rd National symposium
on Mass Spectrometry, Dec. 2017, Xia-Men,
- Invited Speaker, HPLC 2017 Jeju, Nov.
2017, Jeju Island, Korea
- Invited Speaker, HPTLC 2017, Jul. 2017,
Berlin, Germany
- Invited Speaker, PITTCON 2017, Mar.
2017, Chicago, USA
- Invited Speaker, 2017 Mass Spectrometry:
Application for Clinical Laboratory, Jan.
2017, Palm Spring, USA
- Invited Speaker, International
Conference Global Food Safety &
Antimicrobial Resistance, Nov. 2016,
Shenzhen, China
- Invited Speaker, 2nd International
Conference on Innovations in Mass
Spectrometry, Nov. 2016, Moscow, Russia
- Chairman and Plenary Speaker, the
Ambient Ionization Mass Spectrometry 2016
Conference, Nov. 2016, Guangzhou, China
- Invited Speaker, Biological Mass
Spectrometry Symposium 2016, Oct. 2016,
Tokyo, Japan
- Keynote Speaker, 2016 Korea Society for
Mass Spectrometry, Aug 2016, Seoul, Korea
- Plenary Speaker, Hong Kong Society for
Mass Spectrometry 2016, Jun. 2016, Hong Kong
- Invited Speaker, World Chinese Mass
Spectrometry Conference 2016, Jun. 2016, San
Antonio, U.S.A
- Invited Speaker, PITTCON 2016, Mar.
2016, Atlanta, U.S.A
- Invited Speaker, Mass Spectrometry:
Applications to the Clinical Lab 2016, Feb.
2016, Palm Spring, U.S.A
- Invited Speaker, 5th BCEIA, Oct. 2015,
Beijing, China
- Invited Speaker, HPLC 2015, Sep. 2015,
Beijing, China
- Invited Speaker, Chinese Chemical
Society Second National Symposium on Mass
Spectrometry, Sep. 2015, Hangzho, China
- Invited Speaker, Mass Spectrometry:
Applications to the Clinical Lab 2015, 28th
March~1st April 2015, San Diego, U.S.A
- Invited Speaker, the 17th International
Conference & Exhibition on Analysis &
Testing of Metallurgical Process &
Materials, Jul. 2014, Beijing, China
- Invited Speaker and Session Chair, the
5th Asia and Oceania Mass Spectrometry
Conference, Jul. 2014, Beijing, China
- Keynote Speaker and Session Chair, 2014
HPTLC symposium, Jul. 2014, Lyon, France
- Invited Speaker, PITTCON-2014, Mar.
2014, Chicago, USA
- Lecturer, 1st International Mass
Spectrometry School, Siena University, Sep.
2013, Siena, Italy
- Invited Speaker, 1st International
Conference on Urine Omics (URINOMICS 2013),
Sep. 2013, Lisbon, Portugal
- Invited Speaker and Session Chair, 12th
Asian Conference on Analytical Sciences
(ASIANALYSIS XII), Aug. 2013, Fukuoka, Japan
- Lecturer, International Congress for
Innovation in Chemistry (PERCH-CIC Congress
VIII), May 2013, Pattaya, Thailand
- Invited Speaker, The International
Symposium on SIMS and Related Techniques
Based on Ion-Solid Interaction 2013,Seikei
University, Apr. 2013, Tokyo, Japan
- Invited Speaker, Department of
Biochemistry and Biophysics, Stockholm
University, Nov. 2012, Sweden
- Session and Workshop Chairs, the 29th
International Mass Spectrometry Conference,
Sep. 2012, Kyoto, Japan
- Invited Speaker, Centre an0d Department
of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology,
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Aug.
2012, Hong Kong
- Keynote Speaker and Session Chair,
Desorption 2012, Jun. 2012, Castle of
Rauischholzhausen, Marburg, Germany
- Tutorial Lecturer and Invited Speaker,
the 60th American Society for Mass
Spectrometry Conference on Mass Spectrometry
and Allied Topics, May 2012, Vancouver,
- Invited Speaker, the 1st Analytix-2012,
Mar. 2012, Beijing, China
- Invited Speaker, PITTCON-2012, Mar.
2012, Orlando, USA
- Plenary Speaker, the 12th International
Conference of Ethnopharmacology, Feb. 2012,
Kolkata, India
- Invited Speaker, Molecular Imaging
Workshop, Dec. 2011, Moscow, Russia
- Invited Speaker, the 14th Annual
Conference of Indian Society for Mass
Spectrometry (ISMAS), Nov. 2011, Munnar,
- Invited Speaker, International
Conference on Chemistry of Phytopotentials:
Health, Energy and Environmental
Perspectives (CPHEE 2011), Nov. 2011, Agra,
- Invited Speaker, the 37th International
Conference of High Performance Liquid
Chromatography, Oct. 2011, Dalian, China
- Invited Speaker, the 14th Beijing
Conference and Exhibition on Instrumental
Analysis (BCEIA), Oct. 2011, Beijing, China
- Session and Workshop Chairs, the 2nd
Asia and Oceania Mass Spectrometry
Conference, Aug. 2011, Busan, Korea
- Invited Speaker, Laboratory of Organic
Chemistry, Eldgenossische Technische
Hochschule (ETH), Jun. 2011, Zurich,
- Session Chair, the 4th International
High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography
Symposium, Jun. 2011, Basel, Switzerland
- Invited Speaker, the 18th Secondary Ion
Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) Symposium, May
2011, Baltimore, USA
- Session Chair and Invited Speaker, the
26th Asilomar Conference, American Society
for Mass Spectrometry, Oct. 2010, Asilomar,
- Keynote Speaker, 2012 Taiwan-China
Bilateral Analytical Chemistry Symposium,
Sep. 2010, Dalian, China
- Plenary Speaker, the 1st AOMSC, Jun.
2010, Tsukuba, Japan
- Invited Speaker, Institute of Chemistry,
Beijing Univ., Jul. 2010, Beijing, China
- Keynote Speaker, the 3rd World Chinese
Mass Spectrometry Conference, Jul. 2010,
Chan-Chun, China
(Low Temperature
直接電噴灑游離探針 (Direct Electrospray
Probe, DEP) |
此技術是將具熱不穩定性及高揮發性之化合物溶於低溫的有機溶劑來抑制其化學活性,並通過低溫管路導入到 ESI 游離源或是二次離子源中進行游離。相較於傳統分析法,此技術可得更佳的不穩定分析物離子訊號。
Mass Spectrom.
(1996, 31, 464-471)
Anal. Chem.
(1996, 68, 1062-1066)
此技術是施加高電壓於一上面置有一微滴之樣品溶液之金屬絲上,金屬絲表面可以是經修飾(如奈米氧化鎢管) 或不經修飾 (如銅絲)。樣品液滴在受到高電場的影響下,會移向質量分析器並在金屬絲尖端產生微電噴灑現象。此技術因組裝簡單,使用材料便宜,樣品更換容易,因此未來可應用於大量樣品數目的分析。
Anal. Chem.(1999, 71,
Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom.
(2003, 17, 1709-1713)
Anal. Chem.
(2005, 77, 8170-8173)
Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom.
(2017, 31, 1-9) |
瞬間熱裂解 (Pyrolysis, Py)
(Fused-droplet electrospray
ionization, FD-ESI) |
(Electrospray-Assisted Laser
Desorption Ionization,
是我們實驗室所開發出來的大氣壓力游離技術。我們發現在將 Py
結合 FD-ESI 後,我們可以快速偵測到來自高分子材料的熱裂解極性產物,以此方法,我們可以很容易區分各式不同高分子材料。我們發現儘管蛋白質溶液中含有大量的有機或是無機鹽類,但均可在不經任何樣品前處理步驟下,以FD-ESI/MS 直接得到蛋白質離子的訊號。和傳統的ESI/MS 分析結果比較起來,此技術對鹽類的容忍度是前者的100倍以上。
(2001, 73, 4983-4988)
J. Mass Spectrom.
(2005, 40, 413-415)
Anal. Chem. (2005, 77, 8170-8173)
J. Proteome Res. (2005, 4, 606-612) |
Rapid Commun. Mass
(2005, 19, 3701-3704)
Anal. Chem.
(2008, 80, 6995-7003)
Proteome Res.
(2006, 5, 1108-1116)
Anal. Chem.
(2008, 80, 4845-4852)
Anal. Chim. Acta
(2019, 1066,
J. Food Drug Anal.
(2019, 27, 415-427)
(Thin Layer Chromatography, TLC) 結合電噴灑輔助雷射脫附游離法
(Electrospray-Assisted Laser
Desorption Ionization,
雷射誘導聲波脫附 (Laser-Induced Acoustic
Desorption, LIAD) 結合融合微滴電噴灑游離法
(Fused-Droplet Electrospray
Ionization, FD-ESI) |
薄層層析法 (Thin Layer Chromatography, TLC)
Laser Desorption Ionization,
(2003, 75, 2493-2498)
Chem. (2012, 84, 5864-5868) |
(2009, 81, 868-874)
Anal. Chem.
(2009, 81, 9274-9281)
熱脫附電噴灑游離質譜法 (Thermal
(Dual Electrospray
and Atmospheric Pressure Chemical
Ionization) |
Anal. Chem.
(2013, 85,
8956-8963) |
Anal. Chem. (2015, 87, 1743-1748)
(Multiple Channel Electrospray
Ionization) |
J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom.
(2017, 28, 1473-1481)
Mass. Spectrom. (2017, 6,
Anal. Chem. (2016, 88,
Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom.
(2016, 30, 890-896)
J. Mass.
(1997, 32, 247-250)
Anal. Chem.
(1998, 70, 2757-2761)
Anal. Chem.
(2000, 72, 1175-1178) |
Electrospray Ionization, RESI) |
旋轉電噴灑游離質譜法 (Rotating Electrospray Ionization, RESI) 可用來有效提升離子-分子反應
(Ion-Molecule Reaction, IMR)
5193329 (日本專利證號)
1614741 (中國專利證號)
2367197 (歐盟專利證號)
開發了一種簡單、便宜的薄層層析 (TLC) 與電噴灑游離質譜
(ESI/MS) 連接設計,用於掃描和鑑定經TLC分離的化合物。將TLC片修剪成兩個鋸齒狀的TLC試片,再以鋸齒狀三角形尖端面對質譜入口,於尖端加一滴甲醇和高電壓以誘導電噴灑的形成,進行試片上分析物的分析。該系統可連續進行高通量分析,在分析第一個尖端中的分析物後,可藉由自動載台移動TLC試片,進行下一個尖端分析物的分析。
Anal. Chim.
Acta (2018,
434, 264-271)
Anal. Chim. Acta (2019, 1049, 1-9)
(Matrix-assisted Laser Desorption
Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass
Spectrometry, MALDI-TOF MS)
作為臨床醫學檢驗上診斷特定疾病之生物指標 (蛋白質/胜肽、脂質、代謝物) 的分析技術,並以MALDI-TOF
MS進行分子影像 (Molecular Image),研究各式生物指標在正常及疾病組織中之原位分佈。
乳癌指標 (Breast
乳癌是因為乳房乳腺管細胞或是乳小葉細胞產生不正常分裂、繁殖而形成之惡性腫瘤。乳癌除了局部侵犯乳房組織外,更可能轉移到遠處組織,如:肺、骨骼、肝臟、腦等器官,而危害生命安全。 |
(Fecal Occult Blood, FOB)
大腸癌的腫瘤或息肉會受到糞便形成過程中的摩擦而流血,血液因而混合在糞便內排出,使得糞便表面含有肉眼看不出來的血液,透過糞便潛血檢查可以早期發現大腸癌或息肉等症狀。 |
蛋白尿指標 (Albuminuria)
Genomic Medicine, Biomarkers, and
Health Sciences. (2012, 4, 3-6)
Clin. Breast Cancer (2017,
17, 373-381) |
Clin. Chim. Acta (2007, 384,
Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom.
(2007, 21, 3311-3316)
J. Dig. Dis. (2013, 14, 474-483)
Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom.
(2008, 22, 3754-3760)
Clin. Chim. Acta (2012, 413,
Clin. Chim. Acta (2013, 420,
(中華民國專利證號) |
(Ischemic Stroke)
精神疾病指標 (Mental Disorders)
防禦素發炎指標 (Defensins)
J. Neurol.
(2009, 256, 625-631) |
Rapid Commun.
Mass Spectrom. (2009, 23, 589-598)
Clin. Chim. Acta
(2013, 424, 175-181)
Rapid Commun. Mass
Spectrom. (2016, 30,
Clin Chim Acta
(2017, 473, 75-81)
Commun. Mass
Spectrom. (2009, 23,
Methods (2010, 2, 1934-1940)
Clin. Chim. Acta
(2018, 479, 212-218) |
(Bacteria Identification)
此菌的螺旋結構及菌上頭的鞭毛,使它能夠鑽入胃黏液而達到胃黏膜上,在黏液與黏膜之間酸度是中性的,而且此細菌本身也可以分泌尿素脢來保護自己,在胃裡面會破壞胃黏膜造成胃發炎,從急性的胃炎到慢性的胃炎它都可以一肩挑,擔任相當吃重的角色,目前已確定胃炎的重要罪魁禍首之一就是它。 |
糖化血色素指標 (HbA1c)
糖化血色素是最容易反映血糖濃度的指標之一,血液中的葡萄糖濃度愈高,累積的HbA1c濃度與比率也愈高,且因為紅血球的平均壽命約為3個月,所以測定血液HbA1c的百分比,就可以估計過去120天期間內的平均血糖濃度,目前是糖尿病患者控制血糖的最佳指標。一般來說,HbA1c的正常檢測參考值約為4~6%,國際間採用之糖尿病治療準則是將HbA1c控制在7%以下。 |
(Mass Spectrometry
Imaging , MSI)
此分析方法可利用質譜訊號來分析物質組成,更可了解特定物質在空間中的分布情形。此分析方法之優勢即是不需要使用任何標記或抗體標誌物,即可直接在組織樣品上進行分子影像觀察與研究,並了解其分子空間分布資訊,且能找出與腫瘤發生相關之生化分子。 |
Clin. Chim. Acta (2013, 424,
US7,750,291B2 (美國專利證號)
I 340244 (中華民國專利證號)
Chem. (2008, 80, 4845-4852) |
Anal Methods
(2010, 2, 1974-1981)
Genomic Medicine, Biomarkers, and
Health Sciences (2012, 4, 3-6)
Clin. Breast Cancer (2017,
17, 373-381) |
(Emergency Medicine):
Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom.
(2015, 29, 163-170)
J. of Mass Spectrom.
(2016, 51, 97-104)
Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom.
(2016, 30, 1295-303)
Mass Spectrom. (2017, 6,
Am. J. Emerg. Med. (2018, 36,
Clin Chim Acta (2018, 485, 288-297)
J. Food Drug Anal. (2019, 27, 415-427)
Anal. Chim. Acta
(2019, 1066, 69-78)
Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom.
(2019, 34
Suppl 1, e8562)
(Food Safety):
Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom.
(2015, 29, 163-170)
Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom.
(2016, 30, 2315-2322)
Anal. Chim. Acta
(2018, 1039, 65-73)
Int. J. Mass Spectrom.
(2018, 434, 264-271)
Anal. Chim. Acta
(2018, 1039, 65-73)
J. Food Drug Anal. (2019, 27, 415-427)
J. Food
Drug Anal.
(2019, 27, 451-459)
Anal. Methods (2019, 11, 6013-6022)
Anal. Chim. Acta
(2020, 1102, 63-71)
Anal. Chim. Acta
1105, 128-138)
刑事鑑識 (Forensic
J. Mass Spectrom.
(2013, 48, 1129-1135)
J. Mass Spectrom. (2014, 49, 445-51)
J. Mass Spectrom.
(2016, 51, 20-27)
Taiwan J. Forensic Medicine
(2016, 8, 28-41)
J. Food Drug Anal.
(2019, 27, 451-459)
- Cho, Y. T.; Su, H.; Huang, T. L.;
Chen, H. C.; Wu, W. J.; Wu, P.
C.; Wu, D. C. ; Shiea, J.,
“Matrix-assisted Laser
Ionization/time-of-flight Mass
Spectrometry for Clinical
Diagnosis” Clin. Chim. Acta
2013, 415, 266-275.
(Invited Review Article,
Citation: 42)
- Cheng, S.C.; Huang, M. Z.; Shiea,
J., “Thin Layer
Spectrometry” J.
Chromatogr. A, 2011, 1218,
2700-2711. (Invited
Review Article, Citation: 104)
- Huang, M. Z.; Cho, Y. T.;
Cheng, S.
C.; Shiea, J., “Ambient
Ionization Mass Spectrometry - A
Tutorial” Anal. Chim. Acta 2011, 702, 1-15.
(Invited Review Article,
Citation: 257)
- Huang, M. Z.; Yuan, C. H.;
Cheng, S. C.; Cho, Y. T.; Shiea, J.,
“Ambient Ionization Mass
Spectrometry” Annual
Review Analytical Chemistry,
2010, 3,
43-65. (Citation: 252)
- Shiea, J.; Huang, M. Z.; Hsu,
H. J.; Lee, C. Y.; Yuan, C. H.;
Beech, I.; Sunner, J.,
Electrospray-assisted laser
desorption/ionization mass
spectrometry for direct ambient
analysis of solids. Rapid Commun.
Mass Spectrom. 2005, 19(24),
3701-3704. (Citation:
- Chang, D. Y.; Lee, C. C.;
Shiea, J., Detecting Large Biomolecules from
Solutions by Fused-droplet Electrospray
Ionization Mass
Spectrometry. Anal. Chem. 2002, 74(11), 2465-2469.
(Citation: 131)
- Yuan, C. H.; Shiea, J.,
Sequential Electrospray Analysis
Using Sharp-tip Channels
Fabricated on a Plastic Chip.
Anal. Chem. 2001, 73(6),
1080-1083. (Citation:
Shiea, J.; Shimma S.; Lai, C. C.
, A Special
Issue for 2018 Mass Spectrometry for Clinical
Diagnosis. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2020,
doi: 10.1002/rcm.8702.
Su, H.; Lin, J. Y.; Shiea,
J., “In-situ Detection of
Chemical Compounds Using Ambient
Ionization Mass
Spectrometry”. 2019, 57, 42-51.
Shiea, J., A Special
Issue for 2017 Mass Spectrometry for Clinical
Diagnosis. J. Food Drug Anal. (Taiwan). 2019,
27, 375-614.
Cheng, S.; Shiea, J.,
“Rapid Characterization
of toxic compounds with
Ambient Mass Spectrometric
system”. SciTech Reports., 2018.
Liao, P. C; Shiea, J., A Special Issue for The
13th Annual Conference of the Taiwan Society for
Mass Spectrometry. Mass Spectrom. (Tokyo) .
2017, 6(2): K0010.
Cheng, S.; Su, H.; Lee, R.
H.; Cai, Y. D.; Lee, C. W.; Shiea,
J., “Rapid Characterization of
Pesticides and Drugs in
Biofluids and on Solid
Samples with Thermal Desorption
Electrospray Ionization Mass
Spectrometry”. Taiwan I. Forensic
Medicine, 2016, 8(2), 28-41.
Cheng, S.; Shiea, J.,
“Interfacing TLC with
Laser-Based Ambient Mass
Spectrometry”. Planar. Chromatogr.
Spectrom., 2015, 110,
Su, H.; Shiea, J.,
“Laser-Based Molecular Imaging
Mass Spectrometry ”.
Today, 2015, 203, 7-16.
Huang, M. Z.; Jhang, S. S.; Shiea, J., “Electrospray Laser
Desorption Ionization (ELDI)
Mass Spectrometry for Molecular
Imaging of Small Molecules on
Mass Spectrom.
Imaging of Small Molecules,
2015, 1203, 107-116.
Cho, Y. T.; Su, H.; Wu, W.
J.; Wu, D. C.; Hou, M. F.; Kuo,
C. H.; Shiea, J., “Biomarker
Characterization by
MALDI-TOF/MS”. Adv. Clin. Chem.
2015, 69, 209-254.
Huang, M. Z.; Jhang, S. S.;
Chan, Y. T.; Cheng, S. C.;
Cheng, C. N.; Shiea, J., “Electrospray
Laser Desorption Ionization Mass
Ionization Mass Spectrom.,
2014, 372-388.
Cheng, S.; Shiea, J.,
“Advanced Spectroscopic
Detectors for Identification and
Quantification: Mass
Spectrometry”. Instrum. Thin-Layer
Chromatogr., 2014,
Li, L. J.; Liao, P. C.;
Shiea, J., Mass Spectrometry for
Clinical Diagnosis Preface. Clin.
Chim. Acta 2013, 420, 1-3.
Shiea, J.; Chou, C. C.;
“Mobile Ambient Mass
Today, 2012, 187, 3-9.
Cheng, C. N.; Lai, J. H.;
Huang, M. Z.; Oung, J. N.; Shiea,
J.; “Analysis of Polar
Components in Crude Oil by
Ambient Mass Spectrometry" in
"Crude Oil Emulsions –
Composition Stability and
Characterization" (ed. M. El-Sayed
Abdul-Raouf). Intech, 2012, 6,
Chan, H. C.; Chan, H. C.; Liang, H. J.; Lee,
H. C.; Su, H.; Lee, A. S.; Shiea, J.; Tsai,
W. C.; Ou, T. T.; Wu, C. C.; Chu, C. S.;
Dixon, R. A.; Ke, L. Y.; Yen, J. H.; Chen,
C. H., Role of Low-density Lipoprotein in
Early Vascular Aging Associated With
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Arthritis
Rheumatol. 2020, doi: 10.1002/art.41213
Wang, C. H.; Su, H.;
Chou, J. H.;
J. Y.; Huang,
M. Z.; Lee, C. W.;
Shiea, J.,
Solid Phase Microextraction Combined with Ambient Mass Spectrometry for
Rapid and Sensitive Detection of Trace
Chemical Compounds in Aqueous Solution. Anal. Chim. Acta 2020, 1107, 101-106.
Su, H.; Huang, Y. J.; Huang, M. Z.; Lee, Y. T.; Chen,
S. C.; Hung, C. H.; Kuo, C. H.; Wu, M. T.; Shiea,
J., Using Ambient Mass Spectrometry to
Explore the Origins of Phthalate
Contamination in a Mass Spectrometry
Laboratory. Anal. Chim. Acta
2020, 1105, 128-138.
Cheng, S. C.; Lee, R. H.; Jeng, J. Y.; Lee, C. W.; Shiea, J., Fast screening of trace multiresidue pesticides on fruit and
vegetable surfaces using ambient ionization
tandem mass spectrometry. Anal. Chim. Acta 2020, 1102, 63-71.
- Shiea, J.; Bhat, S. M.;
Su, H.; Ponnusamy, V. K.; Lee, C. W.; Wang,
C. H., Rapid Quantification of Acetaminophen
in Plasma Using Solid Phase Microextraction
Coupled with Thermal Desorption-Electrospray
Ionization/Mass Spectrometry. Rapid Commun. Mass
Spectrom. 2019, doi:
10.1002/rcm.8564. (Special issue)
- Su, H.; Yeh, I. J.; Wu,
Y. H.; J, Z. H.; Shiea, J.; Lee, C. W., Rapid
identification of organophosphorus
pesticides on contaminated skin and
confirmation of adequate decontamination by
ambient mass spectrometry in emergency
settings. Rapid Commun. Mass
Spectrom. 2019,
doi: 10.1002/rcm.8562. (Special issue)
- Su, H.; Lin Y. P.; Yang,
S. C.; Kuo, C. H.; Wu, D. C.; Shiea, J.;
Lee, C. W., Rapid detection of non-volatile
household pesticides in drained gastric
juice by ambient mass spectrometry for
emergency management. Anal. Chim. Acta
2019, 1066, 69-78.
- Su, H.; Liu, K. T.; Chen, B. H.; Lin,
Y. P.; Jiang, Y. M.; Tsai, Y. H.; Chang, F.
R.; Shiea, J.; Lee, C. W., Rapid
Identification of Herbal Toxins Using Electrospray
Laser Desorption Ionization
Mass Spectrometry for Emergency Care. J. Food
Drug Anal. 2019, 27, 415-427. (Cover image of
special issue)
- Cheng, S. C.; Tsai, Y. D.; Lee, C. W.;
Chen, B. H.; Shiea, J., Direct and Rapid
Characterization of Illicit Drugs in
Adulterated Samples Using Thermal Desorption
Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry.
J. Food Drug Anal. 2019, 27, 451-459.
- Cheng, S. C.; Bhat, S. M.;
Lee, C. W.; Shiea, J., Simple
Interface for Scanning Chemical Compounds on
Developed Thin Layer Chromatography Plates
Using Electrospray Ionization Mass
Spectrometry. Anal. Chim. Acta 2019, 1049,
- Sambandan, E.; Kathavarayan, T.;
Sellappan, S.; Shiea, J.; Ponnusamy, V.
K., Identification and characterization of
unknown degradation impurities in
beclomethasone dipropionate cream
formulation using HPLC, ESI-MS and NMR. J. Pharm.
Biomed. Anal. 2019, 167, 123-131.
- Lee, C. W.; Chao, Y. Y.; Shiea, J., Shen
J. H., Lee, H. H.; Chen, B. H., Ambient Mass
Spectrometry for Rapid Diagnosis of
Psychoactive Drugs Overdose in an Unstable
Patient. Am. J. Emerg. Med. 2018, 36(3),
- Wu, C. Y.; Lo, L. H.; Su, H.; Shiea, J.,
Detection of α-defensin in Blister Fluids as
Potential Biomarkers for Bullous Pemphigoid
Patients by Matrix-assisted Laser Desorption
Ionization/Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry. Clin. Chim. Acta 2018, 479, 212-218.
- Wang, C. H.; Su, H.; Chou, J. H.; Huang,
M. Z.; Lin, H. J.; Shiea, J., Solid Phase
Microextraction Combined with
Thermal-desorption Electrospray Ionization
Mass Spectrometry for High-throughput
Pharmacokinetics Assays. Anal. Chim. Acta
2018, 60-68.
- Lee, C. W.; Su, H.; Lee, R. H.; Lin, Y. P.;
Tsai, Y. D.; Wu, D. C.; Shiea, J., Point-of-care
Identification of Organophosphates in
Gastric Juice by Ambient Mass Spectrometry
in Emergency Settings. Clin. Chim. Acta 2018,
Cheng, S. C.; Bhat, S. M.; Lee, C. W.; Shiea, J., Thin
Layer Chromatography Combined with Electrospray
Ionization Mass Spectrometry for Characterizing
Herbal Compounds. Int. J. Mass Spectrom.
2018, 434, 264-271.
- Su, H.; Huang, M. Z.; Chou,
J. H.; Chang, T. H.; Jiang, Y. M.;
Cho, Y. T.; Cheng, S. C.; Wu, M. T.; Shiea J., High-throughput
Screening of
Phthalate-containing Objects in the
Kindergartens by Ambient Mass Spectrometry.
Anal. Chim. Acta 2018, 1039, 65-73.
- Lee, C.
W.; Su, H.; Cai, Y. D.; Wu, M.
T.; Wu, D. C.; Shiea, J., Rapid
Identification of Psychoactive
Drugs in Drained Gastric Lavage
Fluid and Whole Blood Specimens
of Drug Overdose Patients Using
Ambient Mass Spectrometry. Mass
Spectrom. 2017, 6, S0056.
- Cheng,
S. C.; Chen, S. H.; Shiea, J.,
Desorption Flame-Induced
Atmospheric Pressure Chemical
Ionization Mass Spectrometry for
Rapid Real-World Sample
Analysis. Mass Spectrom. 2017, 6, S0065.
- Cheng, S. C.; Shiea, C.;
Huang, Y. L.; Wang, C. H.; Cho, Y. T.; Shiea, J., Laser-based
Mass Spectrometry. Anal. Methods 2017, 9, 4924-4935.
- Lin, P. D.; Wu, C. F.; Kou,
H. S.; Huang, T. Y.; Shiea, J.;
Wu, M. T., Removal of
Diethylhexyl Phthalate from
Hands by Handwashing: Evidence
from Experimental N-of-1 and
Crossover Designs. Sci.
Rep. 2017, 7(1), 454.
- Shiea, C.; Huang, Y. L.;
Cheng, S. C.; Chen, Y. L.; Shiea,
J., Determination of Elemental
Composition of Metals Using
Ambient Organic Mass Spectrometry. Anal. Chim. Acta
2017, 968, 50-57.
- Satarpai, T.; Siripinyanond,
A.; Su, H.; Shiea, J., Rapid
Characterization of Trace
Aflatoxin B1 on Groundnuts,
wheat and maize by Dispersive
Liquid-Liquid Microextraction
Followed by Direct Electrospray
Probe Tandem Mass Spectrometry.
Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2017,
31, 1-9.
- Cheng, S. C.; Bhat, S. M.; Shiea, J., Flame Atmospheric
Pressure Chemical Ionization
Coupled with Negative
Electrospray Ionization Mass
Spectrometry for Ion Molecule
Reactions. J. Am.
Soc. Mass Spectrom. 2017,
28(7), 1473-1481.
- Cho, Y. T.; Su, H.; Chiang,
Y. Y.; Hou, M. F.;
Shiea, J.; Yuan, S. F.; Hung,
W. C.; Yeh, Y. T., Fine Needle
Aspiration Combined with
Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption
Ionization/Time-of-Flight Mass
Spectrometry to Rapidly Assist
Diagnosing Breast Cancer. Clin. Breast Cancer 2017, 17(5), 373-381.
- Huang, T. L.; Lo, L. H.; Shiea, J.; Su,
H., Rapid and Simple Analysis of
Disease-associated Biomarkers of
Taiwanese Patients with
Schizophrenia Using
Matrix-assisted Laser Desorption
Ionization Mass Spectrometry. Clin. Chim. Acta 2017,
473, 75–81.
- Chang, F. K.; Shiea, J.;
Tsai, H. J., Urinary
Concentrations of Triclosan,
Benzophenone-3, and Bisphenol A
in Taiwanese Children and
Adolescents. Int. J. Environ. Res.
Public Health 2017, 14(12), p:
- Kao, Y. Y.;
Cheng, S. C.; Cheng, C. N.;
Shiea, J., Depth Profiling of
Inks in Authentic and
Counterfeit Banknotes by
Electrospray Laser Desorption
Ionization/Mass Spectrometry. J.
Mass Spectrom. 2016, 51(1) ,
- Kostyukevich, Y.; Kononikhin,
A.; Popov, I.; Kukaev, E.; Shiea,
J.; Nikolaev, E.,
Supermetallization of Peptides
and Proteins with Tetravalent Metal Th(IV),
Eur. J. Mass Spectrom.
2016, 22(1) , 39-42.
- Kuo, H. K.; Chen, Y. H.;
Huang, F.; Wu, Y. C.; Shiea, J.;
Wu, P. C., the Upregulation of
Zinc Finger Protein 670 and
Prostaglandin D2 Synthase in
Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy.
Graefes. Arch. Clin. Exp. Ophthalmol.
2016, 254(2) , 205-213.
- Lee, C. W.; Su, H.; Chen, P.
Y.; Lin, S. J. ; Shiea, J.;
Shin, S. J.; Chen, B. H., Rapid
Identification of Pesticides in
Human Saliva for Emergency
Management by Thermal Desorption
Electrospray Ionization/Mass
Spectrometry. J.
Spectrom 2016, 51,
97-104. (Featured article)
- Cheng, S. C.; Chen, Y. T.;
Jhang, S. S.; Shiea, J.,
Flame-induced Atmospheric Pressure
Chemical Ionization
Mass Spectrometry. Rapid Commun.
Mass Spectrom. 2016, 30(7),
- Cheng, S. C.; Wang, C. H.;
Shiea, J., Formation of
Metal-Adducted Analyte Ions by
Flame-Induced Atmospheric
Pressure Chemical Ionization
Mass Spectrometry. Anal. Chem.
2016, 88(10), 5159-65.
- Lee, C. W.; Su, H.; Wu, K. D.; Shiea, J., Wu, D. C.; Shin, S. J.;
Chen, B. H. Rapid Point-of-care
Identification of Mis-swallowed
Oral Medications in Gastric Lavage
Content by Ambient Mass Spectrometry in
Emergency Room.
Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom.
2016, 30(11), 1295-1303.
- Lo, L. H.; Shiea, J.; Huang,
T. L., Rapid Detection of
Alteration of Serum IgG in
Patients with Schizophrenia
after Risperidone Treatment by
Matrix-assisted Laser Desorption
Ionization/Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry. Rapid Commun. Mass
Spectrom. 2016, 30(24),
- Shiea, C.; Huang, Y. L.;
Liu, D. L.; Chou, C. C.; Chou, J. H.; Chen, P. Y.; Shiea, J.;
Huang, M. Z., Rapid Screening of
Residual Pesticides on Fruits
and Vegetables Using Thermal
Desorption Electrospray Ionization
Mass Spectrometry.
Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom.
2015, 29, 163–170.
- Cheng, S. C.; Chang, S. S.;
Huang, M. Z.; Shiea, J.,
Simultaneously Detecting Polar
and Nonpolar Compounds by
Ambient ESI/APCI Mass
Spectrometry, Anal. Chem. 2015,
87, 1743-1748.
- Kuo, F. C.; Su, S. W.; Wu,
C. F.; Huang, M. C.; Shiea, J.;
Chen, B. H.; Chen, Y. L.; Wu, M.
T., Relationship of Urinary Phthalate
Metabolites with Serum Thyroid Hormones in
Women and Their Newborns: a
Prospective Birth Cohort in
Taiwan. PLoS One 2015, 10(6),
- Cho, Y. T.; Huang, M. Z.;
Wu, S. Y.; Hou, M. F.; Li, J.
J.; Shiea, J., Using
Electrospray Laser Desorption
Ionization Mass Spectrometry to
Rapidly Examine the Integrity of
Proteins Stored in Various
Solutions. Anal. Bioanal. Chem.
2014, 406(2), 577-586.
- Kao, Y. Y.; Cheng, S. C.;
Cheng, C. N.; Shiea, J.; Ho, H.
O., Detection of Trace Ink
Compounds in Erased Handwritings
Using Electrospray-assisted
Laser Desorption Ionization Mass
Spectrometry. J. Mass
Spectrom. 2014, 49(6),
- Wu, C. F.; Liu, C. C.; Chou,
Y. H.; Shiea, J.; Shen, J. T.;
Wang, S. S.; Wu, M. T.,
Increased Detection Rate of
Melamine-containing Calcium Urolithiasis by
Matrix-assisted Laser
Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry
Technique in Clinical Practice (vol
431C, pg294, 2014). Clin. Chim.
Acta 2014, 435, 62-63.
- Hsu, F. J.; Liu, T. L.;
Laskar, A. H.; Shiea, J.; Huang,
M. Z., Gravitational Sampling Electrospray
Ionization Mass
Spectrometry for Real‐time
Reaction Monitoring. Rapid
Commun. Mass
Spectrom. 2014, 28(18),
- Wu, M. T.; Wu, C. F.; Chen,
B. H.; Chen, E. K.; Chen, Y. L.;
Shiea, J.; Lee, W. T.; Chao, M.
C.; Wu, J. R., Intake of
Phthalate-tainted Foods Alters
Thyroid Functions in Taiwanese
Children. PloS one 2013, 8(1),
- Cho, Y. T.; Su, H.; Huang,
T. L.; Chen, H. C.; Wu, W. J.;
Wu, P. C.; Wu, D. C.; Shiea, J.,
Matrix-assisted Laser Desorption
Ionization/Time-of-flight Mass
Spectrometry for Clinical
Diagnosis. Clin. Chim. Acta 2013,
415, 266-275.
- Kononikhin, A.; Huang, M.
Z.; Popov, I.; Kostyukevich, Y.;
Kukaev, E.; Boldyrev, A.;
Spasskiy, A.; Leypunskiy, I.;
Shiea, J.; Nikolaev, E., Signal
Enhancement in Electrospray Laser
Desorption/Ionization Mass
Spectrometry by Using a Black
Oxide-coated Metal Target and a
Relatively Low Laser Fluence.
Eur. J. Mass Spectrom. 2013, 19(4), 247-252.
- Chiu, K. H.; Hsieh, F. M.;
Chen, Y. Y.; Huang, H. W.; Shiea,
J.; Mok, H. K., Parvalbumin Characteristics in the
Muscle of a Freshwater Ornamental
Grunting Toadfish (Allenbatrachus
grunniens). Fish Physiol. Biochem.
2013, 39(2), 107-119.
- Cho, Y. T.; Hu, J. L.; Shiea,
J.; Chen, C. W.; Su, H.; Chen,
H. C.; Wu, W. J.; Wu, D. C.,
Diagnosis of Albuminuria by
Tryptic Digestion and
Matrix-assisted Laser Desorption
Ionization/Time-of-flight Mass
Spectrometry.Clin. Chim. Acta
2013, 420, 76-81.
- Lin, Y. T.; Tsai, M. T.;
Chen, Y. L.; Cheng, C. M.; Hung,
C. C.; Wu, C. F.; Liu, C. C.;
Hsieh, T. J.; Shiea, J.; Chen,
B. H.; Wu, M. T., Can Melamine
Levels in 1-spot Overnight Urine
Specimens Predict the Total
Previous 24-hour Melamine
Excretion Level in School
children. Clin. Chim. Acta 2013,
420, 128-133.
- Cho, Y. T.; Kuo, C. H.;
Wang, S. S. W.; Chen, Y. S.;
Weng, B. C.; Lee, Y. C.; Cheng,
C. N.; Shiea, J.; Wu, D. C.,
Differentiation of Virulence of
Helicobacter Pylori by
Matrix-assisted Laser
Desorption/Ionization Mass
Spectrometry and Multivariate
Analyses. Clin. Chim. Acta 2013,
424, 123-130.
- Ou, C. H.; Kuo, F. C.; Hsu,
W. H.; Lu, C. Y.; Yu, F. J.; Kuo,
C. H.; Wang, J. Y.; Wu, M. T.;
Shiea, J.; Wu, D. C.; Hu, H. M.,
Comparison of the Performance of
Guaiac-based and Two
Immunochemical Fecal Occult
Blood Tests for Identifying
Advanced Colorectal Neoplasia in
Taiwan. J. Dig. Dis. 2013, 14(9),
- Huang, M. Z.; Zhou, C. C.;
Liu, D. L.; Jhang, S. S.; Cheng,
S. C.; Shiea, J., Rapid
Characterization of Chemical
Compounds in Liquid and Solid
States Using Thermal Desorption
Electrospray Ionization Mass
Spectrometry. Anal. Chem. 2013, 85(19), 8956-8963.
- Huang, T. L.; Cho, Y. T.;
Su, H.; Shiea. J., Principle
Component Analysis Combined with
Matrix-assisted Laser Desorption
Ionization Mass Spectrometry for
Rapid Diagnosing the Sera of
Patients with Major Depression.Clin. Chim. Acta
2013, 424, 175-181.
- Kao, Y. Y.;
Cheng, C. N.; Cheng, S. C.; Ho,
H. O.; Shiea, J., Distinguishing
Authentic and Counterfeit
Banknotes by Surface Chemical
Composition Determined Using
Electrospray Laser Desorption
Ionization Mass Spectrometry. J.
Mass Spectrom. 2013, 48(11),
- Wu, C. F.; Chen, B. H.;
Shiea, J. T.; Chen, E. K.; Liu,
C. K.; Chao, M. C.; Ho, C. K.;
Wu, J. R.; Wu, M. T., Temporal
Changes of Urinary Oxidative
Metabolites of
Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate After
the 2011 Phthalate Incident in
Taiwanese Children: Findings of
a Six Month Follow-Up. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2013, 47(23),
- Chuang, C. H.; Chuang, K.
H.; Wang, H. E.; Roffler, S. R.;
Shiea, J. T.; Tzou, S. C.;
Cheng, T. C.; Kao, C. H.; Wu, S.
Y.; Tseng, W. L.; Cheng, C. M.;
Hou, M. F.; Wang, J. M.; Cheng,
T. L., In Vivo Positron Emission
Tomography Imaging of Protease
Activity by Generation of a
Hydrophobic Product from a Noninhibitory
Substrate. Clin. Cancer Res. 2012, 18(1),
- Cho, Y. T.; Chen, Y. S.; Hu,
J. L.; Shiea, J.; Yeh, S. M.;
Chen, H. C.; Lee, Y. C.; Wu, D.
C., The Study of Interferences
for Diagnosing Albuminuria by
Matrix-assisted Laser Desorption
Ionization/Time-of-flight Mass
Spectrometry. Clin. Chim. Acta
2012, 413(9-10), 875-882.
- Y. T. Cho , Y. Y. Chiang, J.
Shiea, M. F. Hou, Combining
MALDI-TOF and Molecular Imaging
with Principal Component
Analysis for Biomarker Discovery
and Clinical Diagnosis of
Genomic Medicine,
Biomarkers, and Health Sciences.
2012, 4, 3-6.
- Kuo, H. K.; Chen, Y. H.; Wu,
P. C.; Wu, Y. C.; Huang, F.; Kuo,
C. W.; Lo, L. H.; Shiea, J.,
Attenuated Glial Reaction in
Experimental Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy
Treated with
Liposomal Doxorubicin.
Invest. Ophthalmol. Visual Sci. 2012, 53(6),
- Cheng, S. C.; Huang, M. Z.;
Wu, L. C.; Chou, C. C.; Cheng,
C. N.; Jhang, S. S.; Shiea, J.,
Building Blocks for the
Development of an Interface for
High-Throughput Thin Layer
Chromatography/Ambient Mass
Spectrometric Analysis: A Green
Methodology. Anal. Chem. 2012, 84(14), 5864-5868.
- Huang, M. Z.; Cheng, S. C.;
Jhang, S. S.; Chou, C. C.;
Cheng, C. N.; Shiea, J.; Popov,
I. A.; Nikolaev, E. N., Ambient
Molecular Imaging of Dry Fungus
Surface by Electrospray Laser
Desorption Ionization Mass
Spectrometry. Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 2012, 325, 172-182.
- Chin, K. H.; Lin, C. R.;
Huang, H. W.; Shiea, J.; Liu, L.
L., Toxic Effects of Two Brominated
Flame Retardants
BDE-47 and BDE-183 on the
Survival and Protein Expression
of the Tubificid Monopylephorus
Limosus. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf.
2012, 84, 46-53.
- Liu, C. C.; Wu, C. F.; Shiea,
J.; Cho, Y. T.; Hsieh, T. J.;
Chou, Y. H.; Chen, B. H.; Huang,
S. P.; Wu, W. J.; Shen, J. T.;
Chang, M. Y.; Huang, C. H.;
Chang, A. W.; Wu, M. T.,
Detection of Melamine in a Human
Renal Uric Acid Stone by
Matrix-assisted Laser
Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry
(MALDI-TOF MS). Clin. Chim. Acta
2012, 413(19-20), 1689-1695.
- Chien, C. Y.; Wu, C. F.;
Liu, C. C.; Chen, B. H.; Huang,
S. P.; Chou, Y. H.; Chang, A.
W.; Lee, H. H.; Pan, C. H.; Wu,
W. J.; Shen, J. T.; Chang, M.
Y.; Huang, C. H.; Shiea, J.;
Hsieh, T. J.; Wu, M. T., High
Melamine Migration in Daily-use
Melamine-made Tableware. J.
Hazard. Mater. 2011, 188(1-3),
- Cheng, S.
C.; Huang, M. Z.; Shiea, J.,
Thin Layer Chromatography/Mass
Spectrometry. J. Chromatogr. A.
2011, 1218(19), 2700-2711.
- Kuo, S. M.; Yang, C. C.;
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整合式微電灑晶片及其製造方法 |
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275791 |
2005.03-2025.03 |
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US7,667,197 B2 |
2007.08-2027.02 |
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Mass Spectrometric Method and Mass Spectrometer for Analyzing a Vaporized
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US7,750,291 B2 |
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用以分析一流體中所含之氣態分析物的質譜儀,及用以檢驗氨氣的質譜分析方法 |
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2014.03-2031.03 |
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旋轉式脫附電噴灑游離裝置及質譜系統 |
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435367 |
2014.04-2030.09 |
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旋轉式大氣壓力化學游離裝置 |
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435365 |
2014.04-2030.10 |
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經電噴灑輔助之熱脫附游離裝置、質譜儀、以及質譜分析方法 |
中華民國 |
435366 |
2014.04-2031.05 |
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以直接電噴灑游離質譜法鑑別樣品成分的分析方法 |
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442051 |
2014.06-2031.05 |
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薄層層析電噴灑游離裝置及質譜系統 |
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452601 |
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旋轉式電噴灑游離裝置、質譜儀,以及質譜分析方法 (RESI) |
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2010 1 0218273.5 |
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2015.06-2033.11 |
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活體外檢測膀胱癌之方法及系統 |
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487911 |
2015.06-2030.12 |
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熱脫附游離裝置、質譜系統、及質譜分析方法 |
中華人民共和國 |
2015.07-2035.07 |
發明專利 |
大氣壓力游離裝置及熱重分析質譜系統 |
中華民國 |
512782 |
2015.12-2034.09 |
發明專利 |
多游離源的質譜游離裝置及質譜分析系統 |
中國大陸 |
2160098 |
2016.08-2036.08 |
發明專利 |
多游離源的質譜游離裝置及質譜分析系統 |
美國 |
US9607818B2 |
2017.03-2034.04 |
發明專利 |
以燃燒反應作為游離源的層析質譜裝置 |
中華民國 |
603372 |
2017.10-2036.04 |
發明專利 |
以燃燒反應生成物游離樣品並藉以近生成物游離樣品並藉以進行質譜分析的方法及裝置 |
中華民國 |
I576892 |
2017.04-2035.01 |
發明專利 |
使用多游離源作為連接介面及游離技術的層析質譜裝置 |
中華民國 |
I 625524 |
2018.06-2036.04 |
發明專利 |
旋轉式大氣壓力化學游離裝置 |
歐盟 |
2367197 |
2018.08-2031.03 |
發明專利 |
即時監測固相胜肽合成反應之質譜系統 |
歐盟 |
2633312 |
2018.11-2031.10 |